Welcome June! Be better and be nice month ya ^_^
So, today I wanted share about my favorite Lipgloss from Etude House. It's called Dear Darling Roll-Roll Gloss. Hmm, I got it from Glory Chen (Thank youu Glory! :*) Please visit and support her blog ^^
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Sorry for bad quality photos >,< |
Packaging :
The packaging is very cute with pretty design and looks classy. Have a transparant bottle, so you can see the lipgloss colour.
Applicator :
I think this is very unique applicator. Because it is not so thick, very soft and hard. I love this type applicator. Looks different from other applicators. Oh ya, the brush will rotate when you roll it your lips and help you applying the gloss. It has this rolling cylindrical applicator. As the name Roll-Roll Gloss ^_^
Swatch & Texture :
Really love this color! The texture is quite smooth and it’s medium thick and is generally comfy to wear.
- Affordable price ( around $7)
- Pretty packaging
- Natural colour
- Love the moisturizing effect
- Fruity scent and smells
- I have nothing bad to say about this lipgloss :p
Overall :
I really like this lip gloss!
makes my lips looks so juicy and smooth, also it feels nice on my lip
like they are moisturizing them. Love the moisturizing effect, natural colour and the result shiny lips :D
I'm just using moisturizer and loose powder on my face, and just eyeliner on my eyes :p
On lips? Just Etude House Dear Darling Roll-Roll Gloss :D
xoxo ♥
warnany sheer banget yaak dew >.<
BalasHapussheer banget Na, tp cukup melembabkan lho.. ga lebay gitu shiny nya :D
Hapusaku punya yg tomato. lembab sih tp sayang warnanya cepet banget ilang. lebih kluar n awet yang luci darling.. tapi emang ini lbh murah, ada kualitas ada harga ya :P
BalasHapusbener banget..aku liat reviewnya luci darling bagus2 dan lumayan awet untuk warna lipgloss..
Hapusxixixi emang ya ada harga ada kualitas :p
sheer nya bagus! cocok buat hari2 lho...video nya mana?hehhee...
BalasHapussetuju banget..xixiix
Hapusaah iya nih lama banget ga update video T_T
perfectly natural banget :D cakep :D
BalasHapusThank you Gita.. hihi
Hapusaku pikir pake roll dari namanya wkwkwk :v
BalasHapuswkkwkw itu kuasnya muter gitu pas dipake.. aneh deh, unik juga sih ya..haha
HapusKyaa~ glossnya unyuuu.... <3
BalasHapushihihi unyuu kan kayak kamu :P <3
HapusIt suits you very well :D
thank you dear :)
Hapuscakep wie, warnanya pas buat sehari2 :)
BalasHapusiya ci, malah keliatan natural banget kayak enggak pake lip gloss... :3
Hapusthank you dear :)
BalasHapusI will visit your blog soon! ^^
nice gloss :) following you now dear, if you want you can follow me back <3 <3
kelihatan bagus di kamu ;D
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I"m a big fan of Etude house and really like their range of lip products. THeir lip gloss line is amazing! Really like the color on you. very natural and glam!
makasih commentnyaaa...tetatp di tunggu ya paketnya..hihih...uda dalam perjalanan itu...=D
BalasHapusWarnanya bagus, sis :) Really Natural, cocok utk daily use ^_^v
BalasHapusBtw, yuk ikutan PINKYLICI0US GIVEAWAYS…
banyak hadiahnya loh….dari merek Etude House, Tony Moly, The Face Shop, It’s Skin, etc
ajak teman2mu jg yach, ada SURPRISE GIFTS too for your friend ^_^v
Caranya gampang banget koq, cek di http://pinkylici0us.blogspot.com/
Thank u so much, dear ^_^v