Review Eileen Grace Moisturize Rose Jelly Mask

Selasa, 21 Desember 2021

Hello everyone!

Pernah mendengar brand Eileen Grace? Beberapa tahun lalu tepatnya 2018 aku mencoba produknya Eileen Grace yang Rose Jelly Mask dan itu enak banget! Sampai pada akhirnya tahun 2021 ini mulai memakai Eileen Grace Rose Jelly Mask lagi. Tapi dulu namanya Perfectly Moisturize, sekarang  ganti nama saja mungkin dan dilihat dari kemasan dan isinya tetap sama bentuknya namun aku baca-baca konon yang akan aku review kali ini adalah formula baru. Kalau dulu aku belum sempet review di blog dan here we go...

Review Eileen Grace

Eileen Grace merupakan brand kecantikan yang berasal dari Taiwan yang menyediakan perawatan wajah dan tubuh. Eileen Grace ini cukup laris di Taiwan dan bahan-bahan yang digunakan berkualitas import dan sudah lulus SGS Internasional, ECOCERT dan GMP Taiwan. Eileen Grace Di Indonesia sudah lolos BPOM No. NA47180206320 jadi aman untuk digunakan untuk semua orang baik wanita, pria, ibu hamil dan ibu menyusui. Dan aku  inget pada tahun 2018 itu Eileen Grace booming banget karena memang produknya bagus. Aku awalnya beli sample sachet yang ukuran 35ml, ternyata cocok untuk kulitku yang kering.

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Introducing Bouncy White House

Senin, 20 Desember 2021

Hi everyone! How’s your day?

Do you ever think about setting a bounce house at your wedding party? It will be great! Your cousin and niece will love it. And i think the bride and groom will jump on that bouncy house too. Haha

Bounce White House

I ever imagine how i should do for my dream wedding but it’s late, i already married and my wedding party too boring because i don’t have planning to make it fun. This is a once in a lifetime experience which is worth every penny, you should make a sure  you make a plan that is different from other and you like it best. The best idea is have a bouncy house, especially white bounce house that can be match with your wedding themes.

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Review Jar De Awesome Tone Balancing Cream

Minggu, 05 Desember 2021

Hello Everyone!

Aku orangnya enggak sabaran kalau sudah mencoba produk yang ada di wishlist dan ternyata realitanya sesuai ekspetasi. Buat pembaca blog aku pasti sudah tahu nih kalau aku memang suka banget banget pakai tone up cream untuk hasil makeup yang natural dan glowing. Menggunakan tone up cream cukup simple, tidak memakan waktu lama dan aku paling suka tone up cream yang memberikan efek glowing.

Review Jar De Awesome

Akhirnya cobain juga tone up cream yang viral dan beneran bagus yaitu Jar De Awesome Tone Balancing Cream ini berhasil menarik perhatianku dari pertama kali muncul. Gimana enggak tertarik ya, kemasannya aja cakep banget warna lilac ungu gini. Haha

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About Brazilian Hair

Kamis, 02 Desember 2021

 Hi Everyone!

Brazilian virgin hair are preferred among many due to how beautiful it's. Styling the extensions is created easy because it's natural hair meaning that you could wash it, hair straightener it or blow dry it without risking damages because it is the situation with synthetic extensions. With an easy time styling your hair, begin with the basics like dampening your hair and applying your chosen styling product before blow drying it or styling it as you wish.

However, when styling the extension, settled for your face shape. It is because variations work with different faces and also you want to look great regardless of whether you have opted for straight or curly Brazilian hair. Listed here are a couple of tips to help you pick a qualified style together with your virgin hair.

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How To Choose Best Gloves For Many Activities

Rabu, 01 Desember 2021

Hi Everyone!

Day in and day out dentists, medical and industry personnel have a need for protective gloves. Here are some guidelines for choosing the glove or gloves that are the correct ones for you.

DENTAL: Latex gloves provide essential protective barriers for dentists and hygienists. There are those that are powdered and those that are powder-free. Hygienists may wear up to 40 + pairs a day. Without them you are put at a higher health risk. Proper fit is essential In deciding which size to buy. Make sure that each box in any of the various sizes you order contain the exact size ordered. Ordering from a quality buyer will insure this.

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